Over the year we had a lot of great projects, one of my favorites was the typography project. In this project we used quotes that relate to us and used different colors and fonts to display our quotes. I enjoyed this project because it was super fun to make and at the end I was very proud of how they looked. This project took a few weeks to complete and I faces many challenges. One was finding what fonts and layouts looked good with the quotes. There was trial and error and deleting and restarting. Going into the project I had no idea what any what I wanted to look like. Playing around with the quotes gave me more of an idea of how I wanted them to look. Playing around with format, font, and colors was very fun and relaxing to me. I tried a lot of different styles and designs till i was happy with what I made. After I made the 4 that was required and I liked how they look I had a few extra days. I wanted to make some extra quotes just so I had more to choose from and see if I could make ones I liked more than the original. During this project I learned that you don't have to have much of a starting point to make a project what you enjoy. Also how I can organize text to make it pleasing to the eye.
Another one of my favorite projects was the concert project. I felt as if I had a lot of freedom in making the postcard, poster, and tickets. The band I choose was Mumford & Sons and because they are one of my favorite bands it made this project much more enjoyable. I learned how to distort images to make them my own as well as how to advertise an event. Placing all my information on the poster make me see how difficult it is to advertise and make products for an event. The challenges I faced during this project were that I didn't want to accidently copyright an image but I also wanted to make sure the poster I made was eye catching. With the postcard I wanted to make the design more of my own. This is where I spent most my time. I made one of the postcards with the pen tool and added lyrics that went with the image. I was very proud of how it turned out and it was worth the time it took. I made a lot of different versions of each product so I had multiple to choose from, I did this so I knew I was turning in my best work and fixing the things I knew didn't look right.
The last project I really enjoyed was the landscape man. We did this project very close to the beginning of the year. We had to take a photo we were given of a man and added pictures to take place of his clothes. I had a lot of troubles with this project, the main one I had was not having my photos overlap. This made it hard because I was new to adobe illustrator so I wasn't sure how to fix anything yet. I learned how to do so much in adobe and it helped me a lot with the rest of the year. I did enjoy playing with the different background and how the looked with each other. I hope that the experience I got from this project carries on with me for the next time I use illustrator because most the tools we use in every project I learned in this one.
During second semester I usually got done with projects pretty early on. I got a lot better at doing my projects and worked harder on them this semester. I felt more focused and determined to get my projects done well. When I got done early I would ask a few classmates about how I can make my project look better, using what they said I make another project and see if I can make it better than the original. Then after making mockups of both I choose what one i'm more proud of to turn in so I get the best grade I can. If I wasn't sure how to do something or didnt know how I wanted to do it I would ask my classmates ,they are very kind and helpful and I wouldn't have been able to make it this semester without them helping me out. They gave me a lot of confidence in my projects and made me feel a lot better about them so I was proud to turn my projects in.
I think the reason I had better grades on my projects this year was the motivation I got from my classmates and because they made me feel proud about my projects I did better so my grade went up. Last semester and last year I wasn't as close with my classmates and they didn't give me the honest and helpful feedback as i've been getting. Some of the strengths I have are working hard to get my projects done passionatly. I used to not be good at working hard but I have been trying to make sure im honestly proud in what I turn in so i'm not disappointing anyone. I'm not the best in working with illustrator but, i've been getting better and more frequent in doing so.
I need to work on being more open minded and considering all the options I have for a project. Once I have an idea on how I want a project to look I won't try anything else just what I had planned. That's why I try not to have much of look on what I want my projects look so I can try more things and make it more something other people want to see not just me. I could also improve on being more confident in myself and not need other people to tell me my projects look good I need to think that for myself.
I really enjoyed how the projects went and how interesting each one was. It was nice how different they all were. I didn't feel as if I was doing the same project over and over. It was also nice how we had extra time to work on projects so I was able to make adjustments. I enjoyed my teacher's instructions and how she gave us freedom and let us make our projects more personal. That made me excited to come to class because it felt less like the school was making me do something it felt as if I wanted to do it and that made it a more enjoyable class to be in.
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